Monday, 25 October 2010

stockings and capes.

Suspender Tights - Topshop

Seeing as I am yet to purchase the Henry Holland tights that I mentioned in this post, I absolutely love these ones! I admit, I was slightly self conscious when I first went out in them, and felt like everyones eye were on me (and not in a good way I mean!), but now I don't care and wear them with pride!

I would have updated sooner, but I have been so busy. University is taking over my life, and I have so much work to do :( As soon as one book is read, or one essay is finished, I feel like I have another to start! I have no idea how I'm going to cope I my third year; I will literally be a hermit till I've finished my degree. Oh well - I shall cross that bridge when I come to it!

In other news, I have been playing house with J since Thursday, as my parents and little sister are away in Morocco for a week, lucky things. I love having the house to myself, and pretending like me and J are living together - one of the simple pleasures I suppose. However, I told him that in the future, he can be the house husband whilst I'm the breadwinner, as I cannot hack all this housewife malarky. Bloody hell is it hard work! Cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing?! I can't do this on a regular basis, a girl needs her beauty sleep!

Oh! I finally got 'round to taking photos of my cape too (yet none with it on, they will come another time):

I have also realised that i must stop buying books. I am incapable of going into Waterstone's without spending at least £20-£30. I told myself that I'd only be purchasing a book for my course, yet ended up coming out with these also;


(I've wanted to read this for a while and the cover was just too pretty to say no to!)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

chunky knits and lots of layers.

(Image via weheartit)

Oh my god, when did it get SO cold?! I was literally shivering at the station this morning, and the one day i decided to stick my hair up (into a messy, im a student who is lazy, bun), my ears were frozen! Despite the numerous clothes i have in my wadrobe, i think this weather justifies in purchasing some nice chunky, warm, Winter clothes. (or as i see it, buying everything from Topshops knitwear section).

As much as i hate Winter (i am definitely more of a Summer girl - no snow, rain and ice for me thank you!), i must admit, i love just layering up my clothes; vests, with cardigans, jumpers, coats, wooly scarfs, knitted tights, ankle socks, boots... ah i get happy just dreaming up my perfect outfit. Here some bits i am currently stopping myself from purchasing (&some that i am wishing i had the money to buy!);

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

essays galore.

I am feeling like i am far too behind on University work already - and i've only been back about 3 weeks! Crazy. For the past hour i've been in the library staring at my screen trying to start this essay about Mansfield Park. So far i've got:

“Is Rozemas adaptation of the novel faithful to its source?”

Patricia Rozemas adaptation of Mansfield Park was made in 1999, and is based on the novel by Jane Austen. 

It's gonna be a loooooong night. However, i have been able to distract myself with pretty clothes (oh how i wish i were rich!), trying to find a laptop sleeve/preferably bag, eating jumbo peanuts, and finding 'feel-good' songs on YouTube. I have had a productive, yet unproductive afternoon. 

this song will definitely cheer you up and make you want to get your groove on!

Monday, 18 October 2010

"a few years ago i went to see King Kong at the cinema, now I'm on a date with her!"

Top - Topshop
Skirt - H&M 
Waistcoat - Topshop
(i'd like to mention i didn't go out in just this: i had my trust duffle coat!)

Another day, another post. I can't believe quite how cold it is today, or, how dark it is getting! I get up at 6:15am when i have 9am starts for University, and oh my god, it was pitch black outside! Not to mention i had left my window open in the night, and literally woke up shivering. As much as i love wrapping up for Winter (and lets be honest, buying a nice, new, A/W wardrobe), i hate having to travel out when the weather is so awful. Fingers crossed it doesn't snow also. 

In other news, my new wide angle filter lens came in the post, yay (and and my remote), which means more outfit posts. Yipee! I am yet to show off my gorgeous camel cape that i purchased. 
Speaking of which, Topshop's new Snow Queen collection is now in stock online - as much as i adore Topshop, i am unsure of this collection... there isn't really anything that grabs my attention. 

Moving away from this, i am sad to see that is the last episode (and apparently series) of The Inbetweeners tonight. Although i admit, this season hasn't been as good, it's still made me giggle quite a lot, and cringe at Jays use of words. 

(L-R; Simon, Will, Neil, Jay)

What am i meant to watch on Monday nights now?! My USA shows aren't available to watch to the following day /sadface. I suppose now i have to use my time productively... i will no longer have an excuse to be behind on work, damn.

Apart from mourning over this fact later, i have a lovely nandos date to attend to, with a lovely boy(friend). Chicken + him = the perfect night if im being honest! 

So ta'ta' for now.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

wish list

I am secretly hoping my boyfriend sees this and buys me something, but shhhhh.

a trip into a students life : chapter one - "spritzer girls"

Yesterday was a rather (un)eventful day: the usual of going to University and 'studying', drinking a ridiculous amount of various hot drinks, and trying to hunt down Johnny Depp, who is currently filming the new Pirates of the Caribbean film at our University (... and then finding out filming was finished, sob).

To cheer myself up from finding out this sad news (let's be honest, it's every girls dream to meet him!) I did what every girl with a student loan does - shopping! Throw in a Nandos and a best friend, and it's pretty much a perfect day.

After stumbling around Regents Street like tourists in hunt for our Nandos (which was delicious of course, definitely worth the half hour walk), we took a trip to Topshop and then to the dreaded Selfridges. Now, don't get me wrong, i don't hate Selfridges, but i am definitely not a fan of the make-up and 'spritzer' girls. Now, you know the ones i mean girls, the girls that are primed to perfection – not a hair out of place, no chipped nail varnish, or smudged mascara. No, these girls are perfectly polished. Could you imagine them in tracksuit bottoms, no makeup on, and hair up? No, me neither.

('The Women' 2008)

As if it isn't bad enough by looking at my dream Mulberry Alexa knowing that i can't afford one.., but to then have overly made up girls look down on me? No thank you! When i walk past the counters (towards the high street section obviously), i can feel their eyes burning into me. I know what they're thinking, "Look at that girl in her Topshop clothes, and h&m bag - she doesn't belong here". I feel poor, and vulnerable, like they will pounce on me with their sweet smiles, and perfect manicured nails.

I once tried to escape these girls, by accidently heading up to the shoe floor... and I’m not quite sure what was worse. The shoe floor is a paradise for women – Jimmy Choos, Christian Louboutins, Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Chloe, oh the list is endless!
I was stuck with awkwardly lusting over these shoes, wishing I could afford just one pair – the agony! It was then I had one fo the saleswomen tottering over in her Marni heels and Hermes scarf, asking me sweetly if i would “like to try any on?”. She must have spotted me from afar, and was waiting for the perfect time to pounce - when i was unashamedly drooling over the perfect pair of shoes I had ever seen in my life. (If you was interested, they were a pair of Alexander McQueen shoe boots, sigh). There was no-where for me to hide or pretend that I didn’t hear her... Shamefully i had to decline her offer, and walk (more like nearly jogging) off red-faced and no better off.

I end up diverting the make-up and perfume counters and walking out, defeated by the spritzer girls... but one day i shall return, my Mulberry Alexa on my arm, my sky high Louboutins,  and a black American Express card... and then we shall see who will be the ones laughing won't we Hmph!

Monday, 11 October 2010

bon appetit!

I have never been one to cook. Ever. In fact, I would even go as far as saying that I hate cooking.

HOWEVER, I have chosen to break this habit of cooking more than beans on toast (and also with the fear that when I move out, I will only survive on microwave food, cereal and tea), and decided to attempt to cook.

Two Sundays ago, I made my first ever meal ; I must say, it was absolutely delicious. I even impressed myself! Although it was simple (Lasagne, with home made bolognese!) it managed to take me over 2 hours to make, but I guess that will get better with time!

(i admit it looks vile here)

I was so proud! And strangely, i kind of... enjoyed cooking it? How crazy is that! I did make the slight error of then adding cabbage to the salad instead of lettuce (lets be honest, it wasn't going to go 100% right....), but despite that, it was rather yummy!

Fast forward to today : I haven't actually made anything else.... I blame University work taking up all my time (that and shopping.... ahem). Im sure I will get there one day though... Maybe I won't be the next Nigella, but if my 14 year old sister can cook meals, then I'm sure i have at least some hope....

Friday, 8 October 2010

the push that was needed.

I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while now... yet i've kept putting it off, due to thinking that i won't have the time, or that, like most things, i won't persevere with it! However, as part of one my courses this year (for those who are interested - Journalism and Print Production; exciting stuff), i have to keep some type of blog... and to cut a long story short, here i am at long last.

I would like to be able to say that it would be a *insert subject here* blog, but i think it will be a good mix of everything; fashion, my awful job that i love to moan about, studies, film reviews, book reviews, how im learning to cook (yes, really), and what not.

So i hope this is one of many entries to come!

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