Friday, 4 March 2011


001. My oh my, I am just beyond exhausted at the moment. Thank god for photoshop as the circles under my eyes are horrific at the moment :( I spent a very stressed filled day walking across London to scout out Birthday venues. To cut a (very) long story short, my original venue ended up being booked up, so I spent all of yesterday & today panicking and stressing, just to find out they can still accommodate me on pretty much the same deal I was going for. I cheered myself up with some gorgeous Godiva chocolates. Nom.

002. I have two essays to finish (when I say finish, I mean start) before the end of this month, which I am determined to do next week! One is for Politics, the other is for Poetry and Drama - I have to go to the Finborough Theatre on Wednesday to see a play, then write my anaylis up for it. Oh joy!

003. The AQUA dress debate continues... I am purchasing it on Sunday, but I need help deciding on which colour. Originally it was out of the black, red and tan, but from previous responses, it's now out of the tan or red!


ps; I have also noticed how desperately i need my eyebrows done. They look like caterpillars, boo.


  1. Birthday plans sound exciting (if a little stressful!). Good luck with the essays. Seems crazy but I miss all the politics essays I used to have to write!
    I think I like the tan one best, but the dress is so pretty in either colour!! xx

  2. Your eyebrows look fine lol. I like the red dress best :)

  3. Both are gorgeous. Every time you ask I change my mind! I spent 5 mins looking at them going ' red' so I am not very useful. I don't think you could make a bad choice with either really.

  4. I think you should go with the tan, its gorgeous!

  5. thanks girls!
    i *think* i may go with the red... it seems to just 'pop' a bit more (did i seriously just say pop in a serious way?).
    plus i have a bad feeling the tan wouldn't go with my ghostly complexion :(



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